Thursday, December 17, 2009

Teen Pregnancy

Think twice because there’s no going back.
Teen Pregnancy affects ¼ of high school students. It is one of the leading causes for high school dropouts and poverty. Once pregnant there are only three options. Keep the baby, have an abortion or give the baby to a foster home. Some teens even resort to suicide. Parents have brought teen pregnancy to the attention of the media with ads and campaigns against it and people nation-wide have been informed.
Alex Isidro a freshman at South East High School said teen pregnancy is “stupid” he says “Why throw your life away for sex. I mean you need to make something out of life. Getting pregnant from sex is luckier than getting diseases like HIV or AIDS, but both can ruin you life”. When asked if he knew anyone who was in this situation he replied “No, because I hang around the right people.”
There are many consequences for teenage pregnancy. Teen mothers are most likely to be dropouts and 1.5% of teen mothers that complete high school go to college and get a Degree.80% of teen mothers end up getting welfare according to an article on There it states that there are ways to prevent a teen pregnancy like using a condom or taking birth control pills. In a poll done in against teen pregnancy it states that teenagers who have a strong emotional attachment to their parents are most likely not to be sexually active and that one out of three teen goes to parents for advice for sex.
Suicide and depression a major factor in getting pregnant. Depression can be a “very dangerous disorder, particularly during pregnancy because depression can often drain your desire and energy; pregnant women with the disorder may not seek appropriate prenatal care” according to Depression during pregnancy may also increase the likelihood that you will abuse alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs during pregnancy. When it is most severe, depression can lead to self-harm or even suicide, causing the death of your baby because it leads to depression. According to “A University of Michigan study indicates that 20% of pregnant women may suffer from depression, but few seek treatment.” The study also found that pregnant women who had a previous history of depression (about 25%) are more than twice as likely as other women to suffer from depression during their pregnancy.Evidence suggests that depression can affect the unborn babies.
Many cases of teen sex are because of peer pressure. 1/3 of boys’ ages 15-17 say they feel pressure to have sex, often from male friends. Teen girls feel less pressure--only 23% said they felt such coercion. Researchers questioned 1,854 subjects between the ages of 13 and 24 in a national survey. Statistics shown on shows Latinos have the highest pregnancy rate with 561,052 pregnancies a year followed by Caucasians, Asian/Pacific Islander and African American in California. Statistics also shows that teens around the age of 10 – 14 are most likely to get pregnant and also that the United States has the highest rating of teen pregnancy in the western hemisphere. So don’t think about sex focus on your studies but if you do make sure it’s safe sex.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Battle of the Marching Bands

] “The South East Marching Band fights for first place”
“South East High School regiment the judges are ready,” said the announcer at the 2009 Mayfair Competition on Thursday November 12, as the SEHS Marching Band and Color guard hits the filed. Luis Santana is a freshman at SEHS who plays the trumpet along with his older brother Omar Santana a sophomore. Luis said, “Well I’m really excited about this, this is my third competition and so far every time I hit the field I get nervous.” Santana ready to hit the field and so the audience prepared for the performance.
So, as the band hits the field and they announce the judges are ready, Drum Major Eric Quintero quickly solutes the judges as a sign of respect. Then Eric is ready to go. This year’s field show and theme Disney’s ”The Incredibles” it based on 3 parts of the music featured on the film. As soon as Eric gives the signal the band begins to play, the crowd begins to cheer and most importantly the judges begin scoring. As the band plays Part 1 and 2 the band begin to build confidence and the performance gets better and better. Then finally when the band plays part 3 they give it there all and finished the performance with a bang.
As the crowd applauds a tired and anxious marching band and Color Guard awaits the score. Soon after, Luis told us what we thought the band scored, if they did better than their last competition and if they were great. Santana said, “Well, I thought we did pretty great and a lot better than our previous competition in Las Vegas. I believe that tonight we deserve 1st place because everyone t=put the effort in tonight.” So, after the band packed everything away into the charter bus they went back to watch the rest of the bands perform. Many of the bands there blew their minds and some were phenomenal. As the night started to take over the sky the ceremony begin right after.

As the awards began are handed out they learn their score. The SEHS Marching Band and Color Guard had 2 bands to beat. The Color guard scored at 3rd place to Milliken High and Savannah high. The marching band won 2nd place and barely lost to Savannah by two points

Friday, October 30, 2009

"I wanna be a Pro Skater"Leonardo Martinez(G.O.S.S interview)

Leonardo Martinez is a 14 year old Freshman at South East High School and loves to skate.

Martinez said"My goal in life is to become a professional skater but i know that becoming one is not gonna be easy"Martinez said"The obstacle I will have to face is School,I need school to become more intelligent."He said"I will start by getting up my grades and practicing my skating more and more watch day